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Filter fabrics


Image Art Name of fabric Width, cm Structure of a thread, type of fiber Weight, g/m2 Description
1 Бельтинг_^c2abБФ^c2bb_Арт_2030.jpg 2030 Belting of "BF" 85-140 Cotton 100% 920 Filtration of solutions, ceramic suspensions, in the food industry.
2 2030_Бельтинг_БФ.jpg 2030 C-1 Belting of "BF" 85-140 Cotton 100% 1002 Filtration of solutions, ceramic suspensions, in the food industry.
3 2030_Бельтинг_БФ.jpg 2030 TF-NP Fabric 86 Cotton 100% 1300 Filtration of oil products
4 2074_Фильтродиагональ.jpg 2074 Filtrodiagonal 100-112 Cotton 100% 575 Filtration of sugar syrups, in the food, chemical, medical, ore mining, farforofayansovy, cement industry
5 2078.jpg 2078 Filtromitkal 100-110 Cotton 100% 490 Filtration of solutions in the medical, food, chemical industries, in nonferrous metallurgy
6 2080.jpg 2080 Filtrosvanby severe without pile 107 Cotton 100% 456 Filtration of solutions in the medical, food, chemical industries, in nonferrous metallurgy
7 Фильтросванбой__С__суровый__без__начеса__2091.jpg 2091 Filtrosvanby "With" severe without pile 107 Cotton 100% 456 Filtration in production of artificial fiber
8 2834.jpg 2834 Filtrosvanby severe with a bilateral pile 100 Cotton 100% 430 Filtration of solutions in the medical, food, chemical industries, in nonferrous metallurgy
9 2409.jpg 2409 Filtering cotton polyamide TTF-11 110-120 The thread combined (Cotton-52%, Polyamide-48%) 740 Filtering of juice and syrups in sugar and solutions in other industries.
10 2411_ТФХЛ_Хлопколавсановая.jpg 2411 Cotton avsan filtering TFHL 100-110 Yarn cotton/lavsan 100% 900 Filtering in food, etc. industries
11 Фильтровальная_ТЛФ-5_Арт_56190.jpg 56190 Filtering TLF-5 100-110 Thread of polyester 100% 640 Filtering in coal, chemical, metallurgical, etc. industries.
12 ТЛФ_5_Фильтровальна_полиэфирная.jpg 56295 Filtering TLFT-5 850
13 ТЛФ_5_Фильтровальна_полиэфирная.jpg 56190-З Filtering TLF-5 720
14 56035_Фильтровальна_полиамидная.jpg 56035 The filtering polyamide 105 Thread of polyamide 100% 460 Filtering for neutralization of iron ore concentrates in mining and processing and metallurgical industry
15 56035_Фильтровальна_полиамидная.jpg 56035-З 400
16 86030.jpg 86030 The polyester severe 170 Yarn of polyester 100% 480 Filtering of sugar syrups, juice and solutions in production of sugar.
17 86030.jpg The thermoprocessed 160 500
18 86031.jpg 86031 The polyester severe 105 Yarn of polyester 100% 970 Filtering of dusty gases in hose filters with a jet purge
With a unilateral pile 100 1040
19 86033-У_Фильтровальная_полиэфирная.jpg 86033 The polyester 160 Yarn of polyester 100% 320 Filtering for purification of technological gases and industrial air, a filtration of sugar syrups
20 Полиэфирная_суровая_Арт_86034.jpg 86034 The polyester severe 115 Yarn of polyester 100% 630 Filtering of hot suspensions from sour, alkalescent and neutral environments.
The thermoprocessed 108 640
21 86035.jpg 86035 The combined 165 Yarn of polyester 52%
Thread of polyamide 48%
540 Filtering of hot suspensions from sour, alkalescent and neutral environments.
22 86036.jpg 86036 The polyester severe 168 Yarn of polyester 100% 730 Filtering of sugar syrups, juice and solutions in production of sugar.
The thermoprocessed 163 750
23 КС-34_Фильтровальная_полипропиленовая.jpg KS-34 The polypropylene
the severe
110 Yarn of polypropylene 100% 440 Filtrations of solutions in productions of acids, alkalis, oxidizers, textile dyes and printing paints, catalysts, polystyrene, fertilizers, in galvanic processes, at regeneration of dioxide of the titan, purification of mercury-containing and other sewage, in filters of collecting slimes.
24 КС-44_Фильтровальная_полипропиленовая.jpg KS-44 The polypropylene
the severe
112 Yarn of polypropylene 100% 540
25 Арселон_ТТАВ_(С_односторонним_начесом).jpg TTA Fabric arselon 100 Thread of arselon 100% 470 Filtration of hot gases with a temperature up to 250 degrees Celsius
in nonferrous and ferrous metallurgy, cement and others industries
26 Арселон_ТТАВ_(С_односторонним_начесом).jpg TTAB Fabric arselon with a unilateral pile 75-80 Thread of arselon 100% 560